We are committed to operating responsibly
RIVA Building deliver premium building solutions, but we believe it is equally important to act responsibly while works are being carried out. This means caring for our employees, our suppliers the environment, and of course our customers.
Health & Safety
Health & Safety is integral to our business. We adhere to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and we are compliant with ISO 18001. We are continually aiming to improve standards and it is our goal to achieve a risk free, safe working environment.
We are a Considerate Constructor
Not only are we committed to building the best but we also ensure that we are the best we can be within your local environment. We take our responsibility to your locality and to your neighbours seriously and we do our very best to minimise the impact of the building process at all stages. Relax, you can be confident you are in considerate hands.

Equality & Respect
Equality & Respect is an integral part of our business. We are committed to equality and we view diversity as an asset to our business and embrace a diverse workforce. We abide by legal and ethical obligations and we do not tolerate discrimination in any form. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive working environment for all of our employees.
Customer feedback
Customer feedback provides us with the information that we need to shape the way we work and to benchmark our performance. It is an opportunity to recognise where we have achieved our goals and if we have ever fallen short so we can address those areas to ensure they don’t happen again. Listening to our customers and making positive changes where necessary enables us to consistently deliver the high quality and value for money projects our customers are searching for.

Protecting your environment
Protecting the environment is not just a hot topic but something that is very close to our heart. We are committed to operating responsibly and to playing our part in safeguarding the environment, reducing our carbon footprint, minimising our waste and increasing recycling.
Wherever possible we reduce our carbon footprint by sourcing heavy materials such as concrete, bricks and blocks from suppliers as close as possible to the project, and we make every effort to extend this policy to our suppliers and subcontractors.
To minimise the amount of waste generated we ensure only the correct quantity of materials are ordered, which in turn reduces the amount of packaging we receive. We also make sure that waste is separated carefully so that disposal can be made responsibly, with recyclable green waste going to appropriate green sites and the minimum amount of mixed waste going to landfill.